07 March 2024

International Women’s Day rally to celebrate recent wins for working women, call on State Government to adopt changes here


Unions Tasmania will be marking International Women’s Day (IWD) this year with a rally that’s focused on celebrating the trade union movement’s recent wins for working women over approximately the last eighteen months.


“Unions Tasmania recognises that International Women’s Day has its history and origins as a protest movement of and for working women and it’s an important day on the union calendar,” said Unions Tasmania Secretary, Jessica Munday.


“Previous Unions Tasmania IWD rallies have called for action on issues such as the gender pay gap, paid family and domestic violence leave, and preventing sexual harassment and gendered violence in the workplace. We’re proud that through our campaigning locally and nationally, working with the Federal Labor Government, we have seen these changes legislated, and then some,” said Ms. Munday.


“IWD is an important day to celebrate wins but also to educate the community on their existence. When we have new rights and obligations, it’s vitally important that workers understand how they can work for them and what they mean.”  


Given that Tasmania is also in the second half of a State Election campaign, rally speakers will look at where these national changes can and should be replicated and what other measures to improve gender equality at work a State Government should adopt. We will also hear from early childhood educators in their long-running campaign for professional wages to lift the pay in their sector.


Local palawa woman Alison Overeem will open the rally with a Welcome to Country. Jessica Munday, CPSU Tasmania General Secretary Thirza White, and United Workers Union delegates and early childhood educators Trish Foster and Ange Conley, will all address the rally.



When:            Today, Thursday 7 March 2024

Where:           Franklin Square, Hobart

Time:              1pm rally


Media are invited to obtain comment from speakers at 12:45pm before speeches commence at 1:00pm.


For further information: Jessica Munday 0417 454 809


Download a copy here: International Women's Day rally to celebrate recent union wins for working women, call on State Government to adopt changes here.pdf